Emercive's Rhyot aboard Choon launch


April 30, 2018 -- On Tuesday, Choon, a new music streaming service developed by British electronic music producer and DJ Gareth Emery, will officially see its worldwide launch. Emercive artist, founder, and label manager, Garrett Finn, known professionally as Rhyot, will be one of the preliminary artists on board for the event, with original music hosted on the platform. 

Joined by a highly experienced team of industry professionals, Emery aims to revolutionize the way that the music industry represents the interests of artists and listeners alike. By implementing a smart record contract system for songwriters and artists, and the platform's own proprietary cryptocurrency, NOTES, backed by the Ethereum blockchain, income owed to those responsible for the creation of music can be claimed easier than ever with fewer interested parties in the middle. In short, artists are paid more fully and simply, and listeners more directly support those who create the music they love.

This game-changing platform will see it's worldwide opening at 12:00 PM Pacific Standard Time on Tuesday, May 01, and among its initial music offering available to listeners around the globe will be Rhyot's 'Meld' and Army of the Dead. Finn has expressed interest of potentially expanding the inclusion of his imprint and its releases on the platform as it continues to grow and gain support within the industry.

"It is possible that Choon could become a viable option for Emercive's streaming distribution alongside our current hosts at Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, and Deezer," Finn stated. "It would bear a few decisive differences legally, as Choon's platform can get a bit tricky when dealing with royalty collection from some organizations such as BMI, or ASCAP. That said, we could let an artist ultimately elect to take one path or another on a release by release basis, whichever way they see the most potential benefit for themselves as creators." As for now, no larger involvement for Emercive within Choon has been established. 

►► Listen to Rhyot on Choon

Garrett Finn